It's been a little sparse around here lately. There is so much going on with The Six Pack, most of which is behind the scenes, that Rubinville has been relegated to the backseat. Considering that I've almost hit the 8 year anniversary of blogging, I actually feel bad about this and have been trying to figure out how to rectify the situation.
So, I am trying a little test to see if we can find a better balance of things get Rubinville into 2011. And in 2011 Tumblr is the fancy new blogging thing that all the kids are using. Why am I assuming you all have no idea what this is? Nothing personal Barry and Hal!
Click here to see the new test site. It's a work in progress for sure, but I think it'll make my ability to get things up on a daily basis easier and stay connected to the Twitterverse, Facebookverse and Tumblrverse. (As well as all the other 'verses' to come, which I will at first hate, then love, then hate.) If the test site goes well it'll eventually be the all-new Rubinville.com and this site will become a giant archive which I guess I can sell off in pieces to the highest bidder. Or something like that.
Man, remember when I just wanted to make a couple people laugh?