Monday, January 03, 2011

Building Digital Bridges

First off, happy New Year, everyone. Sorry it's been a little sparse around here, but we've got so much going on with The Six Pack and sometimes you've (I've) got to prioritize.

I caught two pretty great flicks over the break, both starring Jeff Bridges. The first True Grit by the Cohen Bros., and the other Tron Legacy. While I really dug both of them, Tron really left me inspired and touched my raw digital nerve. It was just a feast of fun for the eyes, ears and brain. The soundtrack was all scored by Daft Punk and you can listen to a 20 minute mashup here.

If you haven't seen Tron yet, check out this clip and get to your local IMAX 3D. (Even though it's 20 bucks in NYC, c'mon now...)

And speaking of digital fun, our New Year's Six Pack is ready for you to download. Click and play...


Mike said...

I absolutely LOVED Tron, in both 3- and 2-D. Seen 3 times now, and it was always, dare I say, cinema magic.

Barry said...

Ahem, Dave Rubin. Are you suggesting that Jeff Bridges is of a higher priority than your loyal Rubinville followers?!?!? I don't know, Dave. ;)