Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Turner Networks Love Me

Comic Pete Dominick has a new nightly gig on John King USA and managed to snag a minute with me to discuss the new 100 dollar bill.

First HLN, then CNN, TBS must be next. Then they can finally live up to that "Very Funny" tagline...


Hal said...

Is this part of your plan to take over the Turner networks, the way Oprah is taking over Discovery Health? By the way, any luck with that video of your appearance with Joy? I'm sorry to say I still haven't seen it.

Unknown said...

I'm working on the video. I got a guy, but you know how guys are...

Hal said...

Do I ever.

Barry said...

The hell with TBS, Dave. I think with all those damn channels out there that somebody could make room for the "Rubinville" channel. All Dave, All the Time. You could even give Betty White a show if you wanted. Just a thought.

P. S. I really wish Anonymous would write clearer comments...sometimes his thoughts just baffle me. ;)

Oliver said...

Perhaps Anderson Cooper 360 is next....
Ben, Dave and Anderson bringing me the nightly top to bottom is my CNN dream.