Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Yup, I'm using another one of these hurricane pictures today as Wilma looks to slam into Florida any day now. Well, either that, or the Predator is in a spaceship high above our atmosphere just watching us and waiting...

As I mentioned once before Predator is my second favorite Arnold movie, right behind Total Recall. If three-breasted women are the only by-product of breathing the Mars atmosphere then sign me up!

I finally got that female aardvark and now it hasn't rained in days. How typical of God? He just wants us to do all the preparation and then he decides when and if to do the natural disaster. Well, if any of you want an aardvark I'd be willing to part with one of them. They're both house trained and they're surprisingly pleasant to cuddle with.

So I was on Splenda for a couple days but now I'm back to Equal. Does anyone know the difference between the two? And please no wise-asses saying "the color of the packaging."

If you have another wise-ass comment however, I'd love to hear it.

Special thanks to the person who sent me some Herbie Hancock stuff via the internet.

I know the FBI constantly checks in here at The Daily Dave, so I want to stress it was a legal file transfer. Yes, a legal music transfer over the internet.*

*Depending on what year's law you are looking at. I'm looking at the Internet Music Sharing Law of 1976.

Can someone remind President Bush that one of the basic tenants of our government is that we have Seperation of Powers? That means if he appoints his cronies to the Supreme Court that one day we will no longer have that seperation and then Bush and his people will have some sort of facist-dictatorial rule over us. Some people think he knows this already and that's why he's doing it, but I'm not quite ready to give him that much credit.

CNN airs "CNN International" here in America at 12:00 pm eastern time. The anchors are British, so to really get into it I have tea and crumpets while I read all kinds of dish about the Queen in The Daily Mirror.

No, I don't know what crumpets are either. I just have Entenmann's chocolate cookies and pretend that they are crumpets.

Former Secretary of State Madeliene Albright is going to be on an upcoming episode of "Charmed." First Alyssa Milano, then Shannon Daugherty and now Madeleine Albright. Man, the WB sure know's how to get all the naughty girls.

Working on a couple big things to be unvieled around Thanksgiving. Finally, something to truly be thankful for. Well that, and those silly Indians for trading it all for a couple beads.

Okay, heading out to my bead making class. See ya later.

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