Wednesday, October 12, 2005

From via Radar...

"According to "an analyst," GE CEO Jefferey Immelt has "got a silver bullet with Zucker's name on it."

The piece goes on to talk about how Zucker has made a mess of the NBC News as well as rolling out the current NBC schedule.

Now, I thought you needed a silver bullet to kill a werewolf or Dracula, but apparently it will also kill the otherwise indestructible network executive. Finally, the secret has been revealed!

Zucker, who has helped wreck TV by rolling out so many reality shows at the expense of real programming deserves that silver bullet. Yea, maybe it isn't wise for me to say that on here, but it isn't the first time and won't be the last time.

Years ago we sent Zucker "The Anti Show", which we filmed in NBC studios (unknown to him), and he never even bothered to respond to us. That was just one opportunity he had to take a chance on something completely oringinal, edgy and ahead of the curve. Instead he green-lit dozens of awful reality shows and a couple stale sitcoms. Karma is a bitch Jeff, but don't worry, it sounds like you'll be put out of your misery soon.

I do love karma.

But Dave, isn't it bad karma to wish someone getting fired? I don't think so, I'm not actually wishing it, I'm just reporting facts that seem to already be in motion. Yea, yea, that's it.

Okay, moving on, the rain continues to pour here and I still can't find that female aardvark in my quest to get two of every animal. I went to Chinatown to find one and they kept pushing a cat dressed-up like an aardvark on me. No thank you, good sir.

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad says that "America should re-evaluate what's going on in Iraq." Maybe Bashar should re-evaluate the public beheadings that go on in Damascus each and every day.

CNN's Situation Room used Kyra Phillips and that shaved-head guy who's name I can't remember, to fill-in for Wolf Blitzer yesterday. Dare I say it was a lot better. Don't worry Wolf, I'm not endorsing a silver bullet, I'm just saying Kyra is really good.

Steven Spielberg has invented a technology that he calls the "future of cinema." Rumors are circulating that it includes making movies with endings that actually make sense.

Damn, I'm on a roll today. Good thing for me that it's the Day of Atonement tommorrow.

China has launched two Chinese astronauts into outer-space for the first time. Insert corny joke about a Chinese delivery man here.

Last thought for today...

I have a flashback to 1989 everytime they see a commercial for "A Current Affair."

And now I'm about to have a current affair with some eggs, see ya later.

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