Thursday, October 06, 2005

Back in action here at the Daily Dave, I hope that your Tuesday and Wednesday were doable without me.

This morning I was heading to the gym and about ten feet before I walked in I realized that I didn't have my keys. All I did have in my hand were my earphones, which, while they come in very handy, don't do much for you when you are locked out of your apartment. I couldn't even call anyone because in the age of cell phones I can no longer remember anyone's phone number.

Fortunately, the guy at the bodega downstairs lent my his metro card and I picked up my roomate's keys. In the past I've had my suspicions that the bodega guy works for al-Queda, but on this day he was a good man.

You might be wondering why we have a Fisher-Price lock on the door, but that's a story for another day.

President Bush gave a speech this morning saying that we're not going to give up the War on Terror. Phew, cuz I thought we were about to throw in the towel. Good old stubborn Bush.

I just stopped writing this for about 4 hours to do a bunch of random nonsense. How is it that random nonsense can be so time consuming?

My grandma asked me why I haven't been on the Jay Leno show yet. I told her we had a falling out.

Anyone else freaked out by the Bush-Clinton commercial to raise money for the victims of hurricane Katrina? I feel like someone has a gun behind both their heads.

Oh great, I'm reading on that there is a specific threat against the NYC subway. Now where am I going to get my turkey sandwich on hearty italian bread with all the fixin's I can eat?

Damn terrorists, I was thinking of seeing a movie downtown and now I might have to go to something within walking distance. There goes stadium seating for "In Her Shoes."

Okay, that's it for today, I'm gonna go to the kitchen and raise out color-coordinated terror-chart.

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