Friday, August 05, 2005

So yesterday I fully intended to get back to my apartment around 3 o'clock and do my daily posting but I ended up getting sidetracked by a few things. I felt guilty all night, like somehow I'd let you down by telling you I was gonna post and then not doing it. Suddenly, I realized what a powerful outlet the Daily Dave has become for me. The world of stand-up is really a mess right now, and doing this journal in some ways has become more rewarding than that. So, at 4 in the morning I was sitting up thinking I had cheated whoever reads this because I didn't do what I said I was going to do.

Then I thought that's completely insane because as much as I've wanted to create some sort of dalogue with this thing, the comments section still doesn't get much action. So who is it that I'm feeling guilty for not posting for? I know I get a couple hundred hits a day, and when I check the WebStats I see people that some people even come back several times in a single day. Yet the comments section goes largely unused. Again, I thought, who am I doing this for?

The answer to that ultimately is "me". As a writer I'm doing this because part of me needs to create, and I just so happen to be doing this at a time when blogs exist. I don't know that simply keeping a journal in a notebook would be cutting it for me right now.

That brings me to you. I am really curious who is reading this. The numbers go up everyday and it's making me wonder who you are. I'm wondering about the people who just check in once, the people who check in everyday, and everyone in between. As a performer I need some of that gratification back. Just a little bit of something that lets me know that when I write this that it isn't just for me, cuz that just ain't enough of a reason to do it.

I'll explain over the weekend what caused me not to be able to post at 3 o'clock, and then what led to this whole waxing philosophic. In the meantime, if you could drop a note in the comments section, well, you'd make the day of some guy who is sitting at his computer wondering who you are.

Whoa, honesty ain't that hilarious.

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