Saturday, July 10, 2010

Chew On This

One more test to see if this iPhone blog app is working correctly. If it does, it changes everything. And by everything I mean this site, and just slightly.

And anyway you're already following me in Twitter, right? Cuz that's where I post most of the really edgy stuff...


Barry said...

Oh, Dave, people follow you EVERYWHERE. Rubinville. Twitter. The Six Pack. Down the street and around the corner. Into the store. Out of the store. Across the street again. Watch out for that truck, Dave! Whew! Close call. Ummm, I've disclosed too much.

Jerry said...

Hey Dave! When are you going to blog about your coming out? I heard little bits and pieces in your pod casts but what's the scoop? Ask Ben to blog about it too, when he gets around to blogging that is. We want to know the story.

PS: Nice picture of Emma.

Hal said...

Edgier than Bed, Bath & Beyond shower curtains?