Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I know that many of my readers enjoy balls so there you go.

Baseball season kicked off yesterday and from what I can see it looks like the Yankee game was rained out. It's their final season in Yankee Stadium so I guess I'll have to get over there a couple times this year so I can tell my kids one day about being in Yankee Stadium the year it closed. There's nothing that young people like more than hearing irrelevant sports stories from old people.

(No news on that thing people, I'm trying, I swear. Keep thinking about Yoda.)

I went to Starbucks yesterday to do some writing and it was so packed I couldn't get a seat. I'm curious if that is just a NYC thing or that happens in Starbucks' all over the place. Can I get some testimonies?

My buddy Mike Gravel has dropped out of the Democratic party and is now running for president on the Libertarian ticket. You guys know how much I like him, but you gotta wonder about someone who keeps going when they know they can't win. I mean I wonder if he has advisor's that are like, "We just cracked .5 percent in Alaska, it's all coming together!"

Actually, I respect the guy for just keeping the dream alive and trying to say what he has to say. He reminds me of this comedian with a blog that I know.

Okay, time to hit the gym and run through The View's Hot Topics. If Whoopie only knew she was keeping me in such good shape...

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