Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So, it's been just over 24 hours of no news, and I am still alive and kicking. Not only that, but I think I freed up a little space in my brain that I will now use as an internal calendar. (As opposed to my little scribbles of paper all over the place.) It should be noted, however, that I did mistakenly glance at the cover of the New York Post of the person who was running on the treadmill on the other side of me.* Other than that brief moment, I am free and clear.

*I really run on the eliptical machine, but I don't want any smart remarks.

On another note altogether, I went to Subway today. Those of you who know my stand-up know that I have a running thing with the people at Subway, but today it hit a new low. No joke, they have gotten so skimpy with the veggies at this particular location that I had to ask for both more tomatoes AND lettuce. Who ever wants MORE lettuce? I'm seriously considering making a call to Jared himself.

Yes, I'm a busy man. A very busy man...

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