Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I haven't blogged from Starbucks from awhile so I thought I'd give it a go today. Here I am sitting with my grande coffee, typing in my MacBook and my wearing Gap hoodie. If this isn't what America is all about then I don't know what is.

As you read in my previous post, I did watch a bit of the debate last night. I really felt guilty about it after, but then realized I do this for free, which caused me to get over my guilt pretty quickly. For five bucks a day I think a little guilt might be warranted, but for free, I think not.

For some reason the wireless connection here won't let me sign onto AIM. There's nothing worse than when you are trying to steal an internet signal from the store next door and it won't work.

If the Feds are reading this, that was just a joke, obviously I have an T-Mobile account and gladly pay for the Starbucks wireless connection and am not signed on through the free Staples connection next door. What kind of wireless person do you think I am?

Ugh, this Stap...I mean...Starbucks connection won't let me sign onto AIM. Damn you Stap...err...Starbucks connection!!!

Sitting next to me are two middle-aged women talking about how one of them just put her father in a nursing home. "Now he has people to play cards with", one just said. I have been looking to get into a good card game around here, I wonder if I can ask her which home he is at.

No, that'd just be rude, I don't want them to think I'm listening to their conversation or something.

Alright that's it for now, I'm gonna work on some other stuff as long as I'm here amongst the common folk. If you hear of a good card game around here, lemme know...

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