Tuesday, September 12, 2006

There's nothing like revenge killings when it comes to nature. In a strange turn of events, there has been a sudden rash in sting-ray murders in Australia. People are saying that it's locals taking out their anger on the sting-ray that killed Steve Irwin last week. By that logic I should be chopping down trees because of the time I fell out of the tree in the front of our house back in 1986. If only I could find my good axe.

I didn't catch George's big speech last night but I'm guessing that is was mostly same-old, same old. Fight them there before they get us here. If only I could find my good axe.

Have you heard about this teacher in Washington who won't shave his beard until we catch Osama? He's gonna really need some help trimming that thing by the time that happens. I sure hope I'll have found my good axe by then.

Oh, I should also mention that Golden Axe was one of my favorite games on Sega Genesis.

(Strange post, indeed...)

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