Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Guess who got a dog?

Good guess. Your trusty, neighborhood comedian, me.

I actually got her about about two weeks ago, but I wanted to make sure she was a keeper before getting you involved. Now that I know she's a keeper, I can divulge the specifics...

1. Her name is Emma
2. She's two years old
3. She arrived from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina
4. She had her three puppies with her but was too sick to take care of them.
5. She has big nipples due to nursing at least two litters.
6. She has a thing for squirrels and birds.
7. She rarely barks.
8. I pick up her poop.

Those are the major highlights that I can tell you at the moment. I've never had a dog before, but I think this will work out well considering the experience I've developed over the years by having so many goldfish. While cynics will argue that I sent many of them to an early, watery grave, I can only argue that this will be easier because I'm not in charge of Emma's oxygen intake, while I was in charge of the fish's water.

The whole thing was an impromptu decision, but she's been fun so far and it's nice letting someone else lead me during my afternoon walks. The only negative is that I'm running out of funny things to say when she starts sniffing other dog's butts. My main line is, "She didn't learn it from me", and while that always get's a laugh it's starting to get a little old. Anyone got another good one for me?

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