Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Well, I've never been so offended.

I'm gonna be rampaging through various European cities with a bunch of friends to show my anger, anyone wanna come with?

Did some landscaping in Jersey this weekend. There's really nothing that'll make you feel like you're in Goodfella's more than digging a ditch in the Jersey suburbs. By the time we dug up the third body we just stopped removing them.

You might've noticed my lack of post yesterday. That was an intential non-post due to the fact that it's almost the summer, and during the summer I won't be posting every 7th Monday starting yesterday. That's unless I lose count, which will undoubtably happen by the end of the week.

From CNN.com's top stories today, "Dog fed beer, doughnuts too fat to walk." Good work Anderson Cooper.

Anyone planning on seeing Al Gore's movie about global warming? When ask if he'll see it President Bush said, "Doubt it." Ironically, that was the same answer he gave when asked if abortion will still be legal by the time his term is over.

I could've went several ways with that, but I haven't had a good anti-abortion joke in awhile.

Saw Finding Nemo for the first time over the weekend. Great flick. And to think it's based on a true story. Simply amazing.

That's it for now, I think I'll check in with an Audioblog from Central Park later this afternoon. Sit tight, my people...

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