Monday, April 03, 2006

Well, I know what I'm gonna be for Halloween.

Saw "V for Vendetta" on Friday night. Excuse my cornyness when I say that it was "E for Excellent."

I won't give any spoilers in case you haven't seen it, but it's nice to see that Hollywood can still make a dark, edgy, smart movie. It's unfortunate that it had to take place in London for it to happen, but I'll take what I can get.

Speaking of movies, July 2007 will debut both The Simpsons Movie as well as The Transformers Movie. I haven't had two good thing like that happen in one month since July of 1985 when my sister was born and I was the last remaning player in a game of dodgeball at camp.

NCAA basketball wraps up tonight, and I have to admit I've watched less of the tournament this year than any previous year. Well, probably not less than my toddler years, but that shouldn't count, should it? I wasn't even allowed to hold the remote back then. Counting those years would be absolutely, utterly, insanely, ridiculous. That's just not something that I'm gonna take part in.

Charles Barkley was voted into the Basketball Hall of Fame today. He announced that he'll celebrate the decision tonight by getting into a bar-fight, spitting into a fans' face, punching someone, getting drunk and eating way too much. In other words, same old, same old.

Speaking of same old, same old, I have to go slay a dragon. Bye.

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