Tuesday, March 21, 2006

For those of you who didn't catch me on the Joey Reynolds Show last night, (or more specifically, those of you who don't suffer from severely crippling insomnia), I was a guest along with a Nobel Prize nominated economist who has made hundreds of millions of dollars in the stock market. That left us roughly hundreds of millions of dollars away from each other in the personal finance department.

I haven't been so close to someone with that much money since The Disney Afternoon.

Yes, that's right, I used to watch The Disney Afternoon with the Prince of Monaco.

Moving along, Mr. Bush has been giving lots of speeches telling us how great things are in Iraq. As I've noted before I'm torn between my mistrust of the government versus my mistrust of the media. You'd think two such strong mistrusts would equal one solid trust, but somehow it doesn't work out that way.

Speaking of mistrust, The Daily Dave has had hits from HBO, NBC, Fox, and two huge advertising agencies in the last few days. Yet despite this fact, I still have no deal. What's the deal with that? Or I should say what's that no deal with that?

I did a little face-time at some hipster comedy show last night. From what I observed, hipsters are just pot-heads that pretend to shop at cool places but really just get all their stuff at Urban Outfitters.

There's something I really don't like about the hipster crowd, which is rather ironic because I'm so pro-nerd.

Come to think of it, if I ever run for some kind of office, that's gonna be part the platform I run on. Dave Rubin: Anti-Hipster and Pro-Nerd. Then, once I'm elected, I'll use my power to send the hipsters to France where they belong.

Vote Rubin in 2008 and say au revoir to those dirty hipsters...

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