Monday, January 02, 2006

Tried to see King Kong tonight. See that grumpy face that Kong is making in that picture? It's the same one I made when I got there only to find out that the movie was sold out. Damn people with their need to get out of the house.

So New Year's Eve was a ton of fun. Went to a hyper-trendy party at a hyper-trendy hotel in the Meatpacking District. Drank at a hyper-speed pace which then led to January 1st going hyper-slow and hugely hungover. Good times, indeed.

Oh, I forgot to tell you my resolution. I'm no longer going to visit websites or watch TV shows purely because they drive me insane. That might not sound like much but it is for me. I'm just hoping that none of you folks have a similiar resolution.

That resolution didn't include me getting angry when I saw that not only King Kong was sold out, but also all remaining showings of Cheaper By The Dozen 2. It also doesn't include me watching or visiting the Fox News website. I do that purely for comedic purposes.

On a personal note, I'm wearing a new pair of sweatpants right now. No underwear.

As long as I'm getting personal, I should also tell you that I purchased a humidifer over the weekend. My nasal passages haven't been this open since I was in the womb.

Speaking of personal, my cousin Adam, who is a personm, and also one of the founders of Gadgetell (which I conveniently link to on the right), is currently en route to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The CES is where all the tech companies show off what the fancy electronic gadgets of tommorrow are. I've asked him to pick me up a Playstation 4. Yes, that's right a PS4. I'm skipping the PS3 altogether. Sort of like how Bill Cosby skipped the first five movies before making "Leonard Part 6."

Hmm, I wonder if Leonard Part 6 is on In-Demand. Gotta go...

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