Monday, November 21, 2005

The world's largest aquarium opened today in Atlanta, Georgia. Wouldn't it be funny to have a movie where Jim Carrey inherits an aquarium and all sorts of crazy hijinks ensue?

Oh wait, that was the movie that Albert Brooks' character was writing in the movie "The Muse."

And that's the first time anyone has ever mentioned that movie in a blog. Though it is a fine movie, it isn't his best work. If you want to see a better Albert Brooks movie I'd recommend "Mother" or "Defending Your Life."

Feeling really inspired the last couple days but still unsure of how to focus the energy. Anyone have a Inspired Energy Focuser I can borrow?

Oprah is gonna do Letterman after years of him begging. Just goes to show that persistence works. Well, persistence and the need of the other person to promote their upcoming Broadway show.

I'm very half-assedly watching "Medium" on NBC in 3-D. Maybe it's cuz I don't have 3-D glasses, but this sucks.

Hmm, half-asses, 3-D glasses and sucking, that gives me an idea. I gotta call the people in research and development...

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