Thursday, October 20, 2005

A new era of what we do here at The Daily Dave is about to begin. I've done a bunch of podcasts (listed to the left), mostly which consist of me babbling pointlessly. The exception to that is Podcast 5, which is my interview with Cobra Commander, that was a very important piece. Anyways, I plan on doing more with the podcasts and in a day or two I will be listed in iTunes. Then, I think, those of you with an iPod will be able to subscribe to my podcast and iTunes will automatically put the newest one on your iPod when you sync it up. Is any of this making sense?

The RSS feed you need to subscribe to is...

Let me emphasize that I'm not really sure what I'm talking about here and if anyone has some insight into this I'm all ears. Figuratively, that is.

It's Doug Forrester vs. Jon Corzine for the race to be the next Governor of New Jersey. If I see one more commercial for one candidate that only bashes the other, without even saying anything positive about candidate paying for the ad, I'm going to start throwing stuff.

"Doug Forrester rased taxes 15 times...Doug Forrester doesn't believe in school vouchers...Doug Forrester smokes crack...Doug Forrester fucked your aunt..."

Yes, those are slight exaggerations. I think it said "snorts coke" instead of "smokes crack", but I felt that had more heft to illustrate the point.

President Bush met with Palestinian Authority President Abbas today. Abbas, knowing that today is opposite day, declared an end to the cycle of violence.

There's been a rash of burglaries in Long Island, which is where I'm from, and where my parents still reside. Fortunately, my parents have thrown out most of my childhood valuables so there isn't too much I'm worried about getting stolen.

Isn't it a sad day when you return to your home and see that your parents have turned your bedroom into a guest room, or a sewing room, or a shrine to Motley Crew?

In my case, they turned it into all three. Very bizarre.

"Jon Corzine takes money from big tobacco companies...Jon Corzine supports George Bush...Jon Corzine makes out with clowns...Jon Corzine fucked your aunt..."

My missing friend, who I don't have the money to hire a private investigator to find, is still missing. Seems like you can't really cheap out on a private invesigator, right? Maybe I'll call Dog the Bounty Hunter.

No, I've never watched the show either.

Oh, one last thing, I said a week or two ago that all these natural disasters aren't the result of god being angry at us. If Hurricane Wilma makes Florida an island, I'll officially retract that statement.

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