Friday, May 13, 2005

Sorry for the lack of posting the last few days, I've been really feeling it on stage lately and sometimes when that happens the need to write becomes less important. However, since I know how important these updates are to the millions looking to avoid work, here I am, back, and ready to rock.

Speaking of ready to rock, the Rolling Stones are going on tour again which means by law I have to make a joke about how old they look. So, here we go...

The Rolling Stones are going back on tour to the delight of many of their fans. Unfortunatley, none of the fans who saw the original tour are still around because it was just after the earth cooled.

(Yea, that wasn't particularly good, but I just woke up, and I only even told that joke because of contractual purposes, not the constant desire to be funny that I normally live with.)

I just realized that my opening statement on this Daily Dave somehow implies that when I write a lot on here that somehow I'm not feeling funny, which isn't the case. Basically, it's just been really nice out the pat few days so I've been outside instead of hiding in my cave writing and memorizing

Ellen letter of the day...

You showing your prom picture just reminded me of my prom. At mine, I was about to have sex for the first time but then the OJ Simpson car chase happened and it blew the whole thing. Sucks, right?


That's is pretty much a true story, by the way. I think it all truthfullness, that we were going to have sex but I somehow screwed it up and then blamed OJ. It was also game 6 of the Knicks-Rockets NBA Finals. Remember Olajuwon's finger just nipping that 3 point shot by John Starks?

Macaulay Culkin has testified that Michael Jackson didn't molest him. You know you're a child molester when they have to bring in one kid just to say he DIDN'T get molested. Actually, rumor has it that Michael tried to molest Macaulay on many occasions but Macaulay always had an elaborate series of traps set-up and Michael would get a bowling ball dropped on his head or slip on a bunch of marbles.

Fighting Count Dooku in Episode III on PS2 right now. I haven't been able to beat him, but I always crack a smile in the middle because "dooku" sounds so much like "dooki".

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