Monday, February 14, 2005

I hope that one day I'm half the entertainer that is the magnificent Flava-Flav.

It's Valentines Day today. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

(Did that sound like my crying? It was supposed to but its hard to effectively type out an adulty trying to cry like a baby.)

Great shows at Comedy Company this weekend. We're trying to do 4 comics per show with everyone doingmore time, more like a standard comedy show, rather than the mess of 15 comics that most NYC standup shows have become. Stand up goes in many peaks and lulls and often just standstills, but I'm back in a nice run of feeling creative and really connected when I'm up there. As Krusty the Klown would say, "I've got my comedy K's"

Big win in basketball last week. I was hot from 3-point land and we beat teh first place team by one point. I then took the money I made and donated it to a Muslim charity which I later found out was just a front for Hamas.

Oh wait, that was Hakeeem Olajuwon.

Except the being hot from 3 point land, that was me. Hakeem wishes he had my 3-point range.

Someone mentioned to me that having some spelling errors here in the Daily Dave adds to the overall color of what I'm doing. With that in mind I'd like to say that I'm sdojfs prowzlo of krwmd!

I so needed to get that off my chest.

The NFL Pro-Bowl was yesterday. I came across it while flicking channels. I stopped for 5 seconds and according to the Nielsen people, those 5 seconds were the first time that anyone had ever watched the Pro-Bowl, ever.

In response to the person who e-mailed me saying we should drop the nuclear bomb on France 3 times just in case some of the mutants survive the second bombing, I have talked to some people and we'll see what we can do.

Apparently Chris Rock, who is hosting this years Oscars, says that "only gays watch the Oscars". In response GLAAD announced that they would prefer ever-so-hunky Dean Cain to host the awards instead of the lanky, acerbic Chris Rock.

I'm not sure if only gay people watch the Oscars but I do agree with Rock when he said that "giving awards for art is fucking idiotic!"

I guess this means much like Chris I won't be getting an Oscar anytime soon. Even for my remake of his remake of "Down to Earth".

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