Thursday, July 22, 2004

The 9/11 Commission released their big report today.  Basically it says that the government didn't have enough imagination prior to 9/11 and that they recommend one new government agency to handle terrorism.

That's pretty imaginative right there, isn't it?  A government agency to deal with terrorism.  These guys are good.  I feel safe.

Just went to Starbucks to do some writing.  It's been a couple months since I've been there.  They now have see through cabinets containing different coffee beans with explanations on how some beans are different than others.  I wish they had that for regular beans, instead we just get a song about how much they make you fart.

I'm hearing rumors that Robert Zemeckis is going to be directing the live action Transformers movie.  I'm a big fan of many of his movies, but I'm just saying right now that if Forrest Gump makes an appearance it better be so that Megatron can blow his head off.

"Life is like a box of choc....KABlAAM!!!"

Kablaam, how's that for an explosion?  Not bad, right?

Let's see what else is going on?  Yesterday I was deep in thought and instead of swiping my metro card through the turnstile I just walked right into it.  I've just been really preoccupied with cell phone plans lately.  Nobody can explain to me what roaming is exactly.  And why am I doing it in Midtown?



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