Thursday, January 15, 2004

As a comic it is my job to be funny. And, while it is great to work my craft and better myself at what I do night after night, it is also a goal of most comics to get on TV where you can gain more exposure and do better things than performing in a small comedy club can afford. In some ways this is ironic, because the art of stand up itself is best done for an intimate group of people, and I think often loses a lot once it gets to television, where, if you heckle the comic, you are just some loser yelling at the TV.

Anyways, I mention this because as I do stand up everynight I'm always working on all these side projects to get on TV, which for me, is only so I can then get some exposure to do stand up at better places and in better venues. So, with that in mind, I've come up with a couple ideas I want to now pitch around to networks. I contacted a friend of mine who works at MTV and she sent me this long 6 page release form that MTV makes you sign before they will look at anything you submit. It's full of all this nonsensicle legal mumbo-jumbo, but I have to show you this one part...

"Much of the material that is now being submitted embodies materials, suggestions or ideas substantially similar or identical to those which have been developed by our staff or which have been submitted by others. Further, we may begin using material similar or identical to yours which we received after the date of your submission."

Similiar or Identical? IDENTICAL? Identical means exactly the same. Like identicla twins. Or Identical scripts that MTV steals.

To put in in other terms, they are basically saying, "We can, and will steal your material and ideas...have a nice day."

And on that note, have a nice day.

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