Saturday, December 06, 2003

Sometimes its hard to explain what following your dream is really like. And, in some respects, it probably shouldn't be explained, it should just be lived. However, since I'm a comic, and I have to hash these things out into words, I'm feeling the need to write about what doing comedy was like last night.

The blizzrd of December 2003, or whatever it is they are calling this thing, hit in full force yesterday. Slowly but surely, as the day progressed, I got several calls from comics cancelling their spots on the show because they couldnt get into the city. The few of us that pressed on, Hunter, Tarun, Meghan, Marty, Singer and Tsirklin, got to the club and grabbed some flyers with the hopes of getting some people to see the show. We all stood out there in the freezing temperatures for about an hour and evnetually got about 10-12 people into the show. Mike Singer once said to me that years from now they will name a psycological condition after comedians who "bark" outside in sub-zero temperatures. I guess they could call it "Bakers Syndrome". Needless to say, the show was less than great, and I had probably the worst set I've had in 3 years.

The second show was slightly less sucky, but I think that overall last night was one of my worst in five years of this adventure. If anything though, it only strengthens my resolve to treck on and push harder and figure out more ways to make this all happen.

Hmm, this wasn't a funny blog at any level was it? I feel like I owe you one. You know what? Come over to my place and I'll give free massages to anyone who reads this, I think thats fair.

Funnyness continues in next blog, I promise.

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