Tuesday, December 23, 2003

I've received several e-mails from people saying that I was too harsh in my critique of the last Lord of the Rings. I thought about it, and then re-read what I wrote, and I realized that I did make a mistake. Turns out I saw Lord of the Dance, not Lord of the Rings. I'm still not sure why there were elves in that, though.

I just saw a commerical for a mediation for Excema (which apparently is some kind of skin itching thing) and suddenly my skin started itching. Makes you wonder if they just put all these commercials out there to trick us into buying all their crap.

I don't understand what a gift reciept is. I know there is no price on it, but when you return the item, don't you find out the price anyway? Who are we fooling here people?

Apparently, the cast from Seinfeld won't do commentary on the upcoming DVD of the first season of the series. I look forward to the day I can turn down hundreeds of thousands of dollars to sit and talk for a few minutes.

I think that they light the fitting room of the Gap in such a way that when you try clothes on you end up staring into the mirror and examing your life rather than actually seeing how the clothes look.

That's a good premise, someone write some jokes about that for me, ok?

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