Sunday, November 30, 2003

Well, I just watched "The Reagans" on Showtime. Now, before I get into it, I want to admit that I was flipping between that and the Nets-Kings, so I might've missed some important stuff.

The main point of the movie is that Ronald was a pushover and that Nancy ran the show. I'm not sure if that is true or not but I am a little concerned that the Conservatives in this country got CBS to boot the show over to Showtime in the first place. Somehow I don't think they'll have much of a problem in 10 years when they make "The Clintons" and the show Bill on the phone with Trent Lott while getting head from Monica.

Oh, but we all know that actually was true.

I retract the above paragraph entirely.

As I was watching some football today I noticed that the Bengals are in first place. Last time I heard about the Bengals it was about 1989 because of the Ikky Shuffle. Which, by the way, I invented, but I called it the Rubin Shuffle until they stole it. I haven't danced ever since. And the world breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Ever look through you cell phone and realize there are several people on there that you can't figure out who they are?

Is it possible that Osama bin Landen is working at the bagel place that I get my coffee in the morning?

And if so, is it wrong I still get my coffee there? I mean the coffee is really good.

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