Sunday, November 02, 2003

I rarely take requests on my journal here, but the President of my fan club in Ohio has specifically requested that I write about the Roman Empire in this entry.

(Before I continue I am currently seeking Presidents for my fan clubs in Alaska, Arizona, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida Georgia, uhh, you get the point.)

And now a bit about The Holy Roman Empire...

The Roman Empire did a lot of stuff. Most of it was good if you were Roman, and bad if you weren't. The movie "Gladiator" was taken from live footage of stuff going on during that time. Romans liked to eat both in the morning and at night, as well as once in between. Contrary to what most people think, the Romans did not invent the Roman Candle, it was actually invented by a guy in the small city of Porgutamahunteramana, which was south of Rome, but, because Porgutamahunteramana doesn't easily slip off the tongue, the they chose to call it The Roman Candle instead.

Besides all that stuff, Rome was pretty boring. Well except for that period of time that Robin Hood starting stealing money from the rich and giving it to the poor. And also the time that Skeletor almost conquered Castle Greyskull. Those were both very important events in the history of Rome.

For more information about Rome you should get on a flight to Italy and ask to speak to the Pope. He is a young, energetic fellow and he is always looking for someone to talk to.

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