Tuesday, May 10, 2005

We'll start with the Ellen letter of the day...


I've noticed you're big on making people's dreams come true. Well, last night I had a dream that I was swimming in chocolate and started drowning until Batman arrived and saved me. Can you make that happen for me in real life?


Ellen has yet to respond but I'm sensing a chink in her armor and I think the response is comig soon.

Wanna give a big thanks to Christie of www.allthingschristie.com for getting me the Star Wars Episode III Video Game on PS2. Actually, she got me "Dead or Alive" for X-Box, but I exchanged it for Star Wars. Last night I destroyed more droids than even that time I was in middle-school and the building got overrun by evil robots. I, of course, saved the day, though I let all the math teachers get slaughtered.

There is a new trend going around with people marrying themselves. Yup, thats right, people actually having some sort of ceremony to announce to everyone that they love themself and that being single is as dignified as being in a relationship. Now, as a single person, I kind of like the idea because I could use some of the gifts, but what kind of liberal-crapola is this? Marrying yourself? You know what, if you're that lonely, stop crying, take your paxil , and get outside and make a friend. Oh, and e-mail me, I'm so lonely.

That was a joke. I instant message with various friends and fans thoughout the day, thank you very much.

Arianna Huffington has teamed with AOL and launched her own blog which will publish the blogs of other celebrities. Great, more self-absorbed, myiopic crap from celbebrities who already have a platform to have people hear their narcassistic view of the world. That's exactly what we need.

"But Dave, you are a blogger, how can you say such a thing?"

Good point. However, I'm not a celebrity (believe it or not), so this is my only way to vent otherwise I'd start mailing bombs around the country.

That was a also a joke. I don't want the FBI all over me now. As you know the FBI is always checking Rubinville to find out the goings-on in the world.

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