Thursday, October 21, 2010

Juan Williams, Lance Bass, Terrorism and K-Mart

NPR fired Juan Williams today after comments he made to Bill O'Reilly after the whole View walk-off last week. The whole thing is layered with tremendous irony because if you've ever seen Juan before he is a rare voice of reason (regardless of the network) and FoxNews specifically brings him on to balance things out with all the right-wingers. I guess his left-wingness just isn't lefty enough for NPR anymore.

Basically, he he was fired for saying when he sees people in "Muslim garb" on a plane that he gets nervous. I'm not defending the statement, however as someone in NYC who is constantly told "if you see something, say something." it does make me wonder what "something" qualifies as, and what are the repercussions of actually saying something.

It all reminded me of the one time I saw something and said something. And not only did I see something and say something, I also made a YouTube video out of it...


Barry said...

As the wise and wonderful Sgt. Schultz once said, "I see nothing! NOTHING!"

MJT said...

I laughed, I pee'd...