Tuesday, March 23, 2010

An Unhealthy Situation

Try to count the broken promises in this video, then I'll offer up some thoughts on healthcare...

I waited a day before writing about healthcare because I wanted to write about the process, not the bill, and not just regurgitate talking points like everyone on cable news is doing. Also, I watched so much CNN that my whole body was left numb and I had to wait til it passed so that I could type again. I've finally shaken it off, so here we go...

In the year that it took to get this thing passed, we saw President Obama break virtually every campaign promise he ran on, such as being bipartisan, having transparency, no lobbyists, and no shady deals. At the same time, the Republicans realized that since they weren't in power they just united to run against anything the Democrats wanted to do, regardless of what it was. Caught in the middle of that were people like Bart Stupack who abandoned their core values on things like abortion, just to toe the party line. Or that little man Dennis Kucinich, who was always against the bill until Obama took a last minute trip out to visit him. Or even all of the people of Nebraska, who didn't want the kickback that they were originally given as part of this.

Oh, and let's not forget we got introduced to a group of people know as Tea Partiers, a classy group, indeed.

I guess the lesson here is that government is so broken that it can only work if only broken people are a part of it. It actually needs people who run on all lies, throw out everything they believe in when they are in office and ignore the will of the people just so it can function. So, in that regard, it shows that this whole thing actually was a success, because Obama just said "we're doing this no matter what" and that the ends justify the means. Seems like he took a page from George W. Bush in that regard.

Oh, and for the record, I think I am one of the people who stands to benefit from this, because I currently pay $390 a month for my health insurance, so believe me, I do actually hope this whole thing works.

I'd write more now, but in a true American way I'm gonna take that $390 and go to the dog track...


Anonymous said...

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Barry said...

Yes, Dave, but how do you really feel about the government? I don't know about you but, a. Tea Partiers always makes me think of people in big powdered wigs and satin and lace clothing; b. $390 a month isn't too bad for health insurance, relatively speaking; and, c. If there's a dog named "The End is Nigh" at the track. . .bet the farm, Dave, bet the farm.

P. S. Anonymous sure does make some good points above.

Unknown said...

Ya Barry, I'll have to get back to you on your thoughts, I'm still working through anonymous...

Hal said...

Anonymous actually cleared up a few things for me. I was never really sure about when the particle is deposited on the wall.

jercwe said...

Right on point! Excellent.

Spyke said...

For 33, a single policy of $390 sounds bad, unless you have a low deductible. I agree with you on Obama! I voted for him, only because I felt their were no other choices. The fall elections should be interesting, since no one except Obama and Pelosi seem to truly want this health care plan.
You should consider doing your own podcast or Youtube blog where you talk about the current political scene, since you seem to have something to say.
Love you on the Sixpack.

Steve in CA said...

I don't agree with everything you said, but BRAVO for the lengthy post! I hope you'll use this blog to really weigh in on what you think about what's going on - with your comedic spin, as appropriate, of course!