Monday, April 17, 2006

This very confused looking man not only didn't do anything for 7 of the most important minutes of our nation's history, but he also is stealing music. In a recent interview, Mr. Bush said that he has The Beatles on his iPod. Thing is, you can't get any Beatles music off of a legal downloading site. And, according to some big record industry people, it's illegal to burn music even off of your own CD's.

The seven minutes were one thing, but this is just too much. It's time to impeach.

Obviously, Mr. Bush doesn't put the music on his own iPod, so I don't blame him personally. I mean the guy is the President, he's a busy man. You think a war can go this wrong all by itself?

In other high-powered people news, Martha Stewart has begun selling homes all designed to her liking. The first group of them will be in a "Martha" community in North Carolina. That's disturbing at soe many levels I don't even know where to begin. Let me be the first to say that something stinks in North Carolina, and it isn't the pig crap.

Did you know that there are more pigs than people in North Carolina? Clearly, Martha is trying to even the score.

I was just in Filene's Basment, for reasons that I'd rather not get into. That store is really something else. There are people of every age, ethnicity and economic status all trying to find a some kind of bargain to brag about. There's just something about a bargain that make people want to buy useless stuff. Anyway, I got some new underwear at a very reasonable price.

Well, now you know the reason I was there. Anyone wanna guess what kinda underwear I got?

Just saw a commercial for Actonel, which is a drug for women who want to prevent getting a back hump. The voice-over said, "Women should not use Actonel if they cannot sit or stand for 30 minutes." Umm, well, if they can't sit or stand, what can they do, hang from a tree?

Hanging from a tree, that sounds like fun. I wonder if I can find one...

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