Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I think Donald Rumsfeld might be a close relative of Skeletor, they have very similiar facial structure.

So back to Bill Maher on The Tonight Show last night.  He really is a good example of a comic who isn't compromising what he believes just for the sake of success.  That was in stark contract to the NBC Suck-Face he was sitting across from, Jay Leno, who has about as much credibility as a Dorito.  Or is it a Tostito?  Well, either way.

I've really been working on trying to become more singular about my social and political views on stage, and seeing Bill Maher do just that will push me even moreso to do it for myself.  So, with that in mind, I think that John Kerry has great hair. 

Damn, this is gonna be tough.

Former Defense Secretary Sandy Berger is being investigated for taking some secret files about 9/11 from a secure room.  I'm not sure if he did anything wrong, but isn't Sandy Burger the type of hamburger you get in an Iraqi desert?

Damn, this is gonna be  real tough.

A new poll of Canadian teenagers says that 40 percent of them think that the US is a force for evil.  In contrast, a new poll of American teenagers says that 40 percent of them think that Canada doesn't really exist.

Maybe I'll get into prop comedy.  More tommorrow.




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